The variants of my resume currently available are as follow:
Original 2025 Resume (Recommended)
The Original 2025 Resume (OR) version of my resume is the general, original, resume version I tend to give most headhunters, recruiters, staffing firms, talent acquisition specialists & potential employers, which contains the biggest amount of information available in a resume.
Choose from one of the following Resume Downloads in Word and/or PDF Format:
The Original 2025 Resume Slim is the same version as my OR version, but with a more traditional format; the resume is tailored (slimmed down) to make my resume about 3 pages lighter.
Choose from one of the following Resume Downloads in Word and/or PDF Format:
The 2025 Resume Recruiter Template is the same version as my OR version, but tailored to make it easy for headhunters, recruiters, staffing firms, and talent acquisition specialists to modify my resume and use their brand information in the headers and/or cover letters of my latest 2025 resume(s).
The 2025 Resume Recruiter Template Slim is the same version as my 2025 Resume Slim version, but as you may have guest, tailored to make it easy for headhunters, recruiters, staffing firms, and talent acquisition specialists to modify my resume and use their brand information in the headers and/or cover letters of my latest 2025 resume(s).
Headhunters, recruiters, staffing firm agents & talent acquisition specialists often adjust resumes to match their company's style or specific job requirements, and that's acceptable. However, if any changes are made to my resume, I must approve them before it's sent to any client. I've worked hard to maintain a consistent brand image across various platforms, such as mobile and web applications, resumes, presentations, and social media. Please honor and respect these efforts that set me apart from competitors.
More on How 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discount on Rates!
3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discount on Rates & Services!
Available to new and existing clients, potential employers, headhunters, recruiters, staffing firms, and talent acquisition specialists, take advantage of a fantastic 33% discount on ALL Rates & Services!
Applying 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discounts
Whether you're a new or existing client, a potential employer, a headhunter, a recruiter, a staffing agent, or a talent acquisition specialist, I recognized the significance of breaking down information for all involved parties. Armed with the latest rates and services across the board, we implement the 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discount on ALL Rates & Services, categorized by Employment Type.
All rates or services featured on the mobile and web application user experiences are currently 33% Off until March 31, 2025 (with the exception of Full-Time salary based positions).
Employment Types
Most Recent Rates
3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales Rates
Rate Unit of Measure
3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales Applies?
Full-Time Employee
Contractor W2
Contractor 1099
Existing Clients
New Clients
How Does It Work?
Three fundamental assumptions underlie the seamless application of the 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discount to all rates and services in the lifecycle process.
All Rates & Services Eligible: Enjoy a 33% discount on all rates and services offered through the mobile and web applications until March 31, 2025. This promotion excludes Full-Time salary-based positions.
Now at a Flat Rate by Employment Type: Whether you require one service or multiple, our promotion offers a flat rate for all services based on the latest supported employment types and their tiers.
Decide on Rates & Services BEFORE April, 2025: Take advantage of the 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales discount by selecting your desired service(s) and contacting us on or before March 31, 2025. Any project length agreed upon will be honored with the discounted rate.
To some of my startup clients and/or employers, this may appear straightforward, and that's fantastic! After all, simplicity is the goal we all aspire to, isn't it?
Yet, for my Fortune 500 clients and potential employers grappling with enterprise-level product development challenges, the landscape transforms suddenly into a multitude of services, each with distinct rates. These services may correspond to one or more employment types, either directly or indirectly through a staffing firm.
In other words, I understand the complexity and have taken the initiative to break it down into more manageable components. We start that by looking at the Employment Types I support, getting latest Rates, apply the 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales discount.
So... Let's break it down!
Employment Types I Support:
I support several primary employment types, each accompanied by its respective rates and salary options.
Freelancer Consultant
Contractor 1099
Contractor W2
Direct-Higher Employee
C2C (i.e., Corp to Corp)
Sole (i.e., Sole Proprietorship)
Breaking it down further to Employment Type Tiers:
And with these employment types, I tend to break them down into these tiers and typically employ when providing services to employers and engaging with both new and existing clients.
1. Full-Time: Employee / Contract-to-Perm
2. Contracting: W2 / 1099 Contractor
3. New & Existing Clients: Sole Proprietorship or C2C (Corp-to-Corp)
Some employment type tiers may involve the use of staffing firms, while others may not. Notably, you'll observe a significant variance in rates when collaborating with staffing firms. This intentional adjustment is my way of acknowledging that businesses seeking assistance are already incurring additional costs. It's a proactive approach, demonstrating my commitment to invest in the partnership from the outset.
Using Only the Most Recent Rates with Employment Type Tiers:
Then, it is taking those most recent cases of rates and services related to those employment types, which allow us a baseline to apply the 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales Discounts.
Most Recent Full-Time Employee Type Rates & Salaries
The most recent Rates and/or Salary demands on Employers are as follows:
Employment Type: Full-Time Employee
Using Recruiters
$160K a year
100% Benefits (yes, this is rare)
3-6 Weeks Paid Vacation
Contractor Rates:
Employment Type: W2 Contractor
Using Recruiters
$95 an hour
0% Benefits
No Paid Vacation
Most Recent Employment Type Contractor Rates
Most Recent Contractor Hourly Rates are as follows:
W2 Contractor Rate:
Employment Type: W2 Contractor
Using Recruiters
$95 an hour
1099 Contractor Rate:
Employment Type: 1099 Contractor
Using Recruiters
$125 an hour
Most Recent Clients Employment Type Rates
Most Recent New & Existing Client Hourly Rates are as follows:
Existing Client Rate:
Employment Type: Existing Clients
Sole Proprietorship or C2C
$175 an hour
New Client Rate:
Employment Type: New Clients
Sole Proprietorship or C2C
$275 an hour
Some Conditions Apply
The 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales Discount Amount Subject to Change: This 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales current discount (e.g., 33% Off Rates & Services) Does have the potential to change, based on how performance is met with each advert.
The Full-Time Salaries: This offer DoesNot apply to Full-time Employment Salary Work Offer Solicitations. It is not about the money, but the conversion from Contractor to Salary, in cases where I am asked to do a Contract-to-Perm project.
Contract-to-Perm: This offer Does apply to all forms of Contractor Rates. However, if a Contract Employment turns into a Full-Time position after an initial contract (e.g., Contract-to-Perm), the offer DoesNot carry over, and the original Salary Demands are expected.
3rd-Party Recruiting Services: This offer DoesNot apply to Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Firms or Talent Acquisition Specialists, of whom, perform 3rd-Party recruiting services for other Headhunters, Recruiters, Staffing Firms or Talent Acquisition Specialists. Direct Clients ONLY.
Out-of-State Onsite Offers: This offer DoesNot apply to Out-of-State projects to require travel and/or relocation.
While Supplies Last: This offer Does only last until March 31, 2025. However, it may get extended if visitors really enjoy the service, like we did when we went from the March Madness promotion, to the April Advantage promotion and now November to Remember promotion. Doing my best to keep sales open to people and businesses that needed to wait until the 1-2 month, of the second quarter.
More on Quick Contact during 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% Discount on Rates!
Quick Contact!
Clock is ticking! The 3rd Annual 2025 New Years' Resolutions Sales 33% discount on ALL rates and services will not be around forever!
24-72 hours
As of, , I am currently receiving a higher-than-usual volume of phone calls and emails, so it may take me 24-72 hours to respond to most people via Email.
3-6 hours
As of, , I am currently receiving a higher-than-usual volume of phone calls and emails, so it may take me 3-6 hours to respond to most people via phone.
Jason Silvestri’s Projects with Microsoft Azure
Current Workflow State: Completed
As of
I worked with Microsoft Azure, located in Redmond, WA, as the Lead Sr. Web Software Engineer, Solution Architect & Full-Stack Developer, and they will certainly get more paragraph lines than most projects I have worked that are on this section of my mobile & web application that is for sure.
In parallel with the development & deployment of my 2022, and newly launched BETA v 2023web & mobile release candidates, both, designed for most smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, I spent large parts of the spring, summer & fall of 2021, as well as the summer, fall & winter of 2022, working with theMicrosoft Azure Billing and Development Teams directly, testing the latest in Cloud Computing services Azure has/had to offer for individuals & small businesses.
How the relationship between Microsoft Azure and formed was based on kind of a cool story. I have been usingAzure Cloud computing services to host client and employer projects for over a decade, but the real fun stuff began at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. You can learn more about how I became their unofficial guinea-pig test case - in addition to more on just about all my past projects and clients - by visiting the Clients section on my site.
Well, sort of a long story. Well, like a “we started coding in our garages” type story. You know? The ones that start off with something like, “back before my brand even existed…. I… I… I knew Azure was the OG of Cloud!” and “blah, blah, blah”, etc, etc. OK, maybe it is a short story. No, seriously, though? It was really just down to me being in the right place, at the right time, and was just me, being me, and knew I had to do some discovery.
I was looking into the latest and greatest technologies of the day is all; it being in the latter half of the first decade of the new millennia, I think. I started catching wind of the “Cloud”, and quickly became in the know about the genius behind the marketing campaigns of Big Tech Business, then, convincing the World that the newest generation of On-Premises server-farms, were now, literally, over-night, these magical, new, mysterious, scalable, seamless, boundless, clouds of endless memory in the sky, even though I knew it was just more of the same (at least from a developer perspective). Well, that isn’t entirely accurate. For example, there were definitely advancements in processing starting to happen for sure, more fiber optic cables being laid across the country, new dual and quad core cooling hardware was on the rise, and better, more reliable chips were hot off the press. Now that I think of it, Cloud did make SaaS a design pattern companies can’t live without today. Sure, it took time to learn such realities. In fact, because of my bias about the movement, back then, I remember being kind of standoffish for bit. I almost dropped the ball. Full disclosure? Azure wasn’t even my first choice of Cloud computing servicing. It was AWS.
I spent a lot of time exploring AWS, first, in real-world environments too. I have nothing against AWS today either. You can even find AWS Web Hooks in Azure today. In fact, this is where Microsoft has always delivered, even since the release of Asp.NET 2.0, back in 2005. From that point on, they never had a problem dumping enormous amounts of capital into providing cross platform, cross service support in their IDEs and frameworks, even if the service(s) being implemented were a more widely used competitor service. I have always admired that approach to business (e.g., putting the client, first, before self-preservation). Besides, I was a Microsoft Stack-based Developer, through and through. I still am today, and more than ever.
Before long, Azure (for the record, a cloud service invented by Microsoft) just became a natural choice for many .NET developers and shops heavily invested in Microsoft products across the board. Azure really began to compete in the marketplace, providing more seamless services tailored to the Microsoft Developer in ways other Clouds could no longer keep up.
In the end, it was just down to me becoming an early adopter of Azure Cloud, and early in its history too. As time went on, I went out of my way when I was available to do more than most would, determining issues, coming up with solutions, following through with tickets I created, with the problem outlined in detail, including suggested solutions to solve issues, Azure team members executing on said materials, co-testing, etc. Before I knew it, I was effectively becoming one of their few unofficial guinea pigs. I too benefited.
I have so far used the development of my Asp.NET Core-based v 2022 and BETA v 2023 web & mobile application release candidates, designed for smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers as a base, and then would take advantage of, new, Azure cloud-based experimental services, scaling options & more, to enhance the applications in real-time, while providing real-world feedback to their billing and development teams. To elaborate, I essentially start the lifecycle by implementing services as mentioned, the Azure team and I work together on monitoring the service(s) in question, interact with team members via email, phone & Microsoft Teams with respects to my experiences with the service(s) in question (good or bad), report bugs in the form of tickets, track services with invoices, but then clear (or waive) the costs of services soon after deploying the mobile & web applications to the Azure production server.
I will continue to be there for the Microsoft Azure teams I have had the pleasure to work with as long as I am available to do so.
⚠️ Please Note:⚠️
This client has not accepted solicitations of any kind (or vice-versa) in order to participate and/or score clout of any kind. This client is shown here organically.
The Jason Silvestri Client You Selected Has 2023 Content Under Review
Current Workflow State: Under Review
As of
The "Jason Silvestri Clientyou selected has new 2023 content available. However, the current Workflow State of this content is "Under Review".
The Jason Silvestri Client you selected does have new 2023 content currently available. However, the content is still under review. This means the content is in the process of being approved by one or more stakeholders, currently responsible for the client content that gets displayed via Jason Silvestri’s, brand new, BETA v 2024.013 mobile & web applications!
Please come back soon for updates!
⚠️ Please Note:⚠️
This client has not accepted solicitations of any kind (or vice-versa) in order to participate and/or score clout of any kind. This client is shown here organically.
Currently Performing Maintenance on BETA v 2025.2.28.1
We are currently performing updates to the BETA v 2025.2.28.1 mobile & web user experiences that will make areas of this version of the application temporarily unavailable. These updates began Thursday, Feb. 20, 2023, at approx. 2:30 PM EST. These updates were successful! Now, we are simply monitoring the production environment. We will be finished by, Feb 20, 2023, at 9:30 PM EST.