Best Way of Reaching Jason Regarding Jobs!


So... Yes! I am currently ON-the-Market! This page was created to allow prospect clients, employers, recruiting firms and talent acquisitions better obtain common information needed for most roles, such as my latest 2022 resumes, desired locations, citizenship & more!

Client Prospects & Direct Employers

I am actively engaging client prospects & direct employers regarding contracts and full time roles. Feel free to review my current pricing at any time!

Recruiting firms & Talent Acquisition Specialists

if you are a recruiting firm or talent acquisition specialist looking to acquire my experience, please keep in mind that I am only one man! I am inundated with phone call after phone call, email after email each and every time I hit the market. Still, I recommend the options below to obtain common information you tend to look for when first reaching out.

Get Jason's Latest 2023 Resume

If you have a version of my resume that is dated on or before Feb 28, 2025 and/or if the version present in the Resume you currently have, is equal to, or less than BETA v 2025.2.28.1, chances are, you have an outdated version and you should download the latest below.

I have two primary versions of my 2023 resume available for download; PDF for easier read and Word in the event you do not have Adobe PDF based software.

Are You an Employer?

Choose from one of the following downloads if you are an employer:

Are You Staffing Firm, Recruiter or Talent Acquisition Specialist?

NEW! Are you from a staffing firm, recruiting team or talent acquisition specialist? In addition to the resumes above, you can download my new 2023 template resume, which allows you to easily add your branding information instead of mine in under 5 minutes:


Primary Objectives: Company Structure

The company structure I look for is that of a relatively stable environment, with an engaging philosophy, smart & collaborative teams, and a friendly-but-firm culture.

Interview Does and Don’ts: Code Tests, Demos of Client Proprietary & More

As we all know, a lot can go on in an interview. In fact, I embrace most activites and I am open to most things, including meeting with several team members at once (F2F or remotely), answering dozens of questions, and/or reviewing code logic. Conversely, I do not do surprise code tests on the fly. Too many variables with negative impacts can occur, especially if your developers are using a particular design pattern regualrly that I may not have looked at in a couple weeks, months, or longer. However, I will build code logic, an app and/or services specific to your open position, using my own IDEs, tools, and/or feature sets I am familar. Lastly, I do not show any previous or current client proprietary software.

Full Legal Name

Jason Silvestri

Location, Location, Location!

Current Location:
Middleborough, Massachusetts.
Will Relocate:
Yes (Min $6K+ Relocation Package). I will relocate to California, (San Diego, San Francisco or Silicon Valley ONLY)
Will Travel:
How Much Travel:
Less than or equal to 50%

Rates & Salary

Hourly Rate in MA:
$80h-$100h, but will negotiate (must be fair/could be more out-of-state)
Salary in MA:
$130K-$160K, but will negotiate (must be fair/could be more out-of-state)
For the most accurate rates, please see current pricing at any time!

Work Authorization

US Citizen Born & Raised

Day/Evening Phone Numbers

Best Time to Call

11am to 4pm, but anytime that works best for the employer in the case of phone screens and/or F2F interviews.

Phone Screens, F2F Interviews & Start Dates

Earliest availability for Phone Screen:
24 hrs
Earliest availability On-Site interview:
48-72 hrs
Start Date:

Background Checks & Drug Tests

Most work I do is either classified, HIPPA Compliment and/or highly regulated. I will do any background check and/or do drug tests.

Birth Date

Born in 1979