Blog Jason Silvestri Participation Discovery Elon Musk Release The Twitter Algorithm section of the official Jason Silvestri BETA v 2024 Mobile and Web Application, developed for most Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Desktop Computers and Smart TVs!

The Blog Jason Silvestri Participation Discovery Elon Musk Release The Twitter Algorithm section, handles Jason Silvestri Blog features. A successful and well-known Solution Architect, Lead, Sr. Web Software Engineer and Full-Stack .NET Developer, Jason helps separate some of the World's best Startups & Fortune 500s from their competition, using start-of-the-art, enterprise level desktop, mobile and web application best practice design patterns, targeting the core tiers in creative design, client side, server side and database development, using technologies such as Asp.NET, Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, MVC, HTML5 and more! Check out his to get the latest updates!
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Blog Jason Silvestri Participation Discovery E...: Blog Post: Table of Contents
- Primary Overview
- Downloading Elon Musk's Twitter Algorithum Open Source Project
- The 400,000+ person conference call I had with Elon Musk's Regarding the 1st Open Source version of the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm Project
- What is the Twitter Recommndation Algorithum Open Source Project? Why should I care?
- What is the True Significance of this Unprecedented and Historical release of the Twitter Algorithum Open Source Project, Despite the Pros and Cons?
- The Pros and Cons of Elon Musk's Twitter Algorithm Now Open Sourced to the Public?
- In Closing
- Social Media Networks Supporting this Article
Primary Overview
The Blog Jason Silvestri Participation Discovery Elon Musk Release The Twitter Algorithm section, handles Jason Silvestri Blog features. A successful and well-known Solution Architect, Lead, Sr. Web Software Engineer and Full-Stack .NET Developer, Jason helps separate some of the World's best Startups & Fortune 500s from their competition, using start-of-the-art, enterprise level desktop, mobile and web application best practice design patterns, targeting the core tiers in creative design, client side, server side and database development, using technologies such as Asp.NET, Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, MVC, HTML5 and more! Check out his to get the latest updates!.
The objective of this short blog post is to raise positive awareness around the significance of this recent update in the Twitterverse, from the perspective of a Solution Architect, Lead, Sr. Web Software Engineer and .Net Full-Stack Developer who helps some of the World's most innovative Startups and Fortune 500s with much of their development needs, from their Enterprise-Level Product Suites, to their mobile and web user experiences.
Most importantly, it is to raise awareness around the sacrifices this one man is willing to commit across the board. There aren't too many people in the World that literally walks into a room and asks you to build a rocketship for him, and he being dead serious. It is almost comical. Yet, here he is again, turning a business around that was just so recently dead in the water.
Downloading Elon Musk's latest Twitter Algorithum Open Source Project
Before we dive right into Jason Silvestri's reasons for participating in the important discovery of the Twitter Algorithum, just know that any one can download a copy of the open source repository that Elon Musk & Twitter has provided via GitHub.
Pull the latest Twitter Recommendation Algorithm Repository?
⚠ Please Note: ⚠
By visiting GitHub above, you are technically leaving the safety of the secure mobile or web application user experience that brought you to this point. More importantly, you will be allowed to do things we can't guarantee is safe (i.e., like downloading files from an outside source, such as GitHub, even though GitHub should be a trusted source). Always play it safe while surfing the web.
The 400,000+ person conference call I had with Elon Musk's Regarding the 1st Open Source version of the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm Project
First, it was the rumors. Then, there was the real announcements coming from Twitter Powerhouse, Elon Musk, that there will be a crucial part of the Twitter platform soon to be open source for all to witness. Seeing a Tweet from the man himself, annoucing the Twitter Algorithm is now available by repository ws quite a surprise. Finding myself joining a Twitter space conference call with Elon, and then 300,000 other participants that joined in less than 8 mins, on March 31, 2023, at approximately 3:09PM ET. Less than 20 minutes after that, there were over a half mission users listening to a man that literally changed the game over night.
Listen to the 400K+ Conference Call on the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm?
Not only does Elon want people to see how truly Transparent he expects his 44 billion dollar investment to be from this point forward, but how it currently does and how it will in the future is all there in the code. Most importantly, he is asking us, " Just do, my little Tweeps... Learn from it... or run from it... However, it is no longer a sole venture you can put the blame on now with respects to the access, choices and ideas that will come of this series of opportunites. You have the power to help make it all possible!"Twitter open source Spaces discussion happening now!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 31, 2023
What is the Twitter Recommndation Algorithum Open Source Project? Why should I care?
If you use Twitter you should care... TheTwitter Recommndation Algorithum Open Source Project (more appropriately the Algorithm) (sometimes misspelled, Algoreithm, Algorithum or Algoreithum), this particular build of code, is directly responsible for the Tweets and people, you see and interact with, each, and every day.
Ever wonder why people you do not even follow, show up in your feed these days? How about the ones you really, really do not like? What about the ones you do like? What could be better or worse about your current user experience on Twitter? Well, it is all there. The difference is that Twitter has allowed the source code to become open source. In other words, the code is not locked behind compiled engines, can reviewed and examined by others, and a lot more.
What is the True Significance of this Unprecedented and Historical release of the Twitter Algorithum Open Source Project, Despite the Pros and Cons?
Significant... Seriously... More importantly, I am pretty sure many people are still absorbing this news, for it is game changing. An open and free, birdy. The true significance of this unprecedented and historical release of the Twitter Algorithum Open Source Project, despite the Pros and Cons, is that this particular build of code is directly responsible for the Tweets and people, you see and interact with, each, and every day.
Ever wonder why people you do not even follow, show up in your feed these days? How about the ones you really, really do not like? What about the ones you do like? What could be better or worse about your current user experience on Twitter? Well, it is all there. Not only does Elon want people to see how truly Transparent he expects his 44 billion dollar investment to be from this point forward, but how it currently does and how it will in the future is all there in the code. Most importantly, he is asking us, " Just do, my little Tweeps... Learn from it... or run from it... However, it is no longer a sole venture you can put the blame on now with respects to the access, choices and ideas that will come of this seris of opportunites. You have the power to help make it all possible!"
The Pros and Cons of Elon Musk's Twitter Algorithm Now Open Sourced to the Public
Yes, of coure there are Pros and Cons of Elon Musk's Twitter Algorithm now open sourced to the Public, but in specific cases such as Twitter's, the pros almost always outweigh the cons. More importantly, there are a few reasons why the decision Elon and his Developers made to push the Twitter Algorithum public was one of the best things they could have done, and why it was important. First, Twitter was largely under the threat of topple, after the World learned Twitter's bias and extreme leftist political views, and Elon's multi-billion dollar buy out quite simply saved the legacy Social Network from going extinct. Being part of pne of Twitter's first waves of users, I can say this with confidence, as well as conviction. In fact, since Elon's buyout, Twitter has become the #1 New Media application downloaded today.
The Pros of Elon Musk's Twitter Algorithm now open sourced to the Public:
- Full Transparency is essentially the right-out-of-the-gate, prove-no-further, position of any company, who wany their consumers, competitors, and potential future customers that you have nothing to hide!
- The Bug was always in front of your face issue that occurs when a Developer, so deep in code and/or is a big part of its success, will sometimes have bugs that were there the whole time, but overlooked by said developer, oftens times the only reason why is the developer is just so use to the code that they overlooked it, when all it would have really taken was a fresh set of eyeballs looking at the code. This a huge benfit. Making your code open-source allows other developers the opportunity to find, fix or suggest changes to a piece of code that may have a bug in the code.
- The Some of the Best Minds DON'T Think A like approach to creating anything. You can ask any Developer, Doctor or Scientist, the biggest enemy of any of those groups is to compartimenatize and/or keep secret, parts of the "Thing", while other teams try to solve the same issues, or completely different issues, while not collaborating among other, talent, which makes most operations done this way become stagnent. You do not know everything, and you want to be able to work with people that have other skills, preferrable ones that compliment yours. Largely why I tend to stay away from major security clearance gov work is due to this very issue. You absolutely want to collaborate with as many people as possible, and allowing people to per review your work, help generate brand new ideas, design patterns and best practice is hugely benifical to all of whom partake in the development process.
- Allows for finding vulnerabilities and potentially serious security risks faster, which is surprisingly one of the bggest issues on code development. You do not want me to even start going down the path of how often security and customer privacy becomes an issue, epecially when the code base is filled with data entry end points that may not validate data on the client-side AND server-side. Sooo many developers put waay too much trust in client side technologies, such as JavaScript and/or Jquery, without a care in the world about how and what data they could be exposing to people and organizations with goals of compromising your system(s). Allowing others to double check and triple check security and vulnerabilities is a huge advantage.
- Allows for other Developers all over the World to suuggest their ideas that Twitter and it's Developers may not even have on their radar (e.g., kinda like the idea I still haven't been able to reach Elon regarding that would absolutely change the game! Long story... Hint... Hash tag, #twitteradvertideas :). Anyway, it opens this door wide to make it possible for Twitter to create the best, most robust, versions of itself.
- and plenty more Pros!
and there are of course the Cons (the Risks) Elon Musk introduces making the Twitter Algorithm open-sourced to the Public:
- Full Transparency and this is not a typo. The number 1 Pro - Full-Transparency - could be the vary thing people and/or organizations may target to make everyone know your team is human, just like them, and will do as much to harm your brand image and products. Even then, though, like mentioned before, it takes a certain kind of person to show that you can be humbled, and are more often than you or your business would like to admit. In fact, one of the first things Elon said in the Twitter Space Conference call between me, him and over 400,000 other people was that this first release of code is quite embarassing. Yes, this was said. What he would like to see is Developers - from all over the World - helping make Twitter a better, and more secure space for its consumers. I truly commend him for starting with this important factor.
- Allows for finding vulnerabilities and potentially serious security risks that may expose certain aspects of Twitter no one is ready to deal with. For example, EVERY mobile and web application I develop does not go out the door, even in BETA format, without ALL users, along with their passwords, are fully encrypted. Why wouldn't I, right? Well, just a couple years ago, Facebook was storing over 6 million user passwords, as plain text in one or more of its databases, resulting in one of the biggest hacks every to hit Facebook in recent time. Can you believe that? Something I would never do, is something Facebook Developers did regularly. It is scary, and this is one of so many ways a back door can be left open that can put consumers at risk. If these types of people and/or organizations find something like this out before Twitter or independant developers such as me, currently tasked to peform this discovery, could become a serious problem. Luckily, the door is open to all people with some of the best ans worse intentions in mind.
- and there are more Cons I plan to add!
In Closing
There is actually more I want to add to this story, and I will. The focus is ensuring all features that are available in this version of BETA v 2025.2.28.1 are available in each version of the application(s) , are hashed out, and that the content makes sense for the story being told (i.e., in this case, the new blog post, entitled, Blog Jason Silvestri Participation Discovery Elon Musk Release The Twitter Algorithm section of the official Jason Silvestri BETA v 2024 Mobile and Web Application, developed for most Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Desktop Computers and Smart TVs!).